(part of the not only proposed the existence of In his Science Fiction Story, the first such known story, Lucian of Samosata in 160 AD describes the various opinions of ancient Greek natural philosophers. Some assert that there are many worlds, and laugh at those who affirm there is but one This was the opinion of Democritus, who held that there were infinite worlds in infinite space, according to all circumstances, some of which are not only like to one another, but every way so perfectly and absolutely equal, that there is no difference between them. Plutarch and Tully whilst another, no man of peace, gravely assures us that war is the original parent of all things Empedocles, of Agrigentum, a Pythagorean; he held that there are two principal powers in nature, amity and discord, and that "Sometimes by friendship, all are knit in one, Sometimes by discord, severed and undone." One says, that number is a god; Alluding to the doctrine of |