In Greek mythology, Polynices and six allies (the Seven Against Thebes) attacked Thebes because Polynices' brother, Eteocles, refused to give up the throne as promised. All but one (Adrastus) of the seven would-be conquerors were killed. Their children swore vengeance and attacked Thebes. This was called the Battle of the Epigonoi ("offspring").

The Epigonoi were Aegealeus, Alcmaeon, Diomedes, Thersander, Euryalus, Amphilochus, Promachus, Polydorus, and Sthenelus.

They defeated and killed (or drove out) Laodamas, son of Eteocles, and conquered Thebes, installing Thersander on the throne. All of the Epigonoi but Aegealeus, the son of Adrastus, or else Alcmaeon, son of Amphiaraus, survived this battle.

See also the English word epigone.

Theban Cycle

West, M.L. 2003, Greek Epic Fragments (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press). ISBN 0674996054

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