Griechische Wissenschaftler

He is a rare example of a scientist in the style of renaissance
and A S Fokas, Introduction and Applications of Complex Variables, Cambridge Univ. Press, second edition (2003)
A S Fokas, , and , Painlevé Transcendents as Nonlinear Special Functions, AMS (in press)
A S Fokas and , Eds. Important Developments in Soliton Theory, Springer-Verlag (1993)
A S Fokas, , and V E Zakharov, Eds. Nonlinear Processes in Physics, Springer-Verlag (1993)
A S Fokas and , Eds. Algebraic Aspects of Integrable Equations, Birkhauser (1996)
A S Fokas, A Grigorian, T Kibble and B Zegarlinsky, Eds. Mathematical Physics 2000, Imperial College Press (2000)
A S Fokas, A Grigorian, T Kibble and B Zegarlinsky, Eds. XIII International Congress of Mathematical Physics, International Press (2002)
A. Fokas, J. Halliwell, T. Kibble, B. Zegarlinski, Eds. Highlights of Mathematical Physics, AMS (2002).
Co-editor of the special issue Integrability, Topological Solitons and Beyond, A.S. Fokas, N.S. Manton, R.G. Newton, Eds. Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 44 (2003).
Selected Publications
Fokas is the author of more than