Physicist / Astronomer Stamps


  • Zacuto Abraham (1452-1515)

Spanish astronomer. Stamp Sierra Leone 910

  • Zeeman Pieter (1865-1943) The Netherlands

    1902 Nobel Physics prize in recognition of the extraordinary service rendered by the research into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena. Dutch physicist, educator, author. Born May 25, 1865 in Zonnemaire, Netherlands, he shared the Nobel Prize in physics with Hendrick Lorentz. He researched the effect of magnetism on radiation. He died October 9, 1943 in Amsterdam.

  • Zernike Frits (Frederik) (1888-1966)

    1953 Nobel Physics prize for his demonstration of the phase contrast method, especially for his invention of the phase contrast microscope. Dutch physicist and educator. Born July 16, 1888 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, he became professor of theoretical physics in Groningen. His research was on phenomena related to the random movement of elementary particles which led to the "Browns movement theory". Together with J. A. Prins, he compiled the formula for the diffusion of x-rays in fluids. In 1932 he discovered the method of phase-contrast microscopy, which led to the improvement of the classical microscope. The phase-contract microscope produced a detailed image of transparent micro-organisms. He received the Nobel Prize for Physics for his invention. He died March 10, 1966 in Naarden, Netherlands