Bacchus and Ariadne, Jacob Jordaens


121 × 127,2 cm

Oil on Canvas

Museum of Fine Arts , Boston (Massachusetts)

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See also

Jacob Jordaens (or Jakob Joedaens)

Apollo flaying Marsyas, c. 1625

Calypso loads Odysseus' Ship with supply, 1630/5

Telemachus leads Theoclymenus to Penelope 1630/5

* Daughters of Cecrops finding Erichthonios, 1635/40;

Pan punished by the Nymphs c. 1640

Infancy of Zeus, Jacob Jordaens c. 1640

Prometheus Bound , c. 1640.

The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis c. 1640

The Rape of Europa , c. 1643

The Nymph Adrastea. 1640/5

Amor and Psyche c 1645

Neptun creates the horse, Jacob Jordaens c. 1645

Hercules victory over Achelous, c. 1649

Bacchus and Ariadne , J . 1645/50

Antiope sleeping, 1650

Odysseus in the cave of Polyphemus

Mythology Images


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