Greek National Assembly

The Greek National Assemblies (1821–1832) were representative bodies of the Greek people during and in the immediate aftermath of the Greek war of Independence. Their purpose was the drafting of the first constitutions by which the nascent Greek state was to be governed, and elect the parliamentary and executive bodies to lead the struggle for liberation.

The sessions were:

First National Assembly of Epidaurus, (1821–1822)

Second National Assembly at Astros, (29 March-18 April 1823)

National Assembly at Epidaurus, (6-16 April 1826)

National Assembly at Aegina/National Assembly at Kastri, (1826, both claimed legitimacy)

Third National Assembly at Troezen, (19 March-5 May 1827)

Fourth National Assembly at Argos, (11 July–6 August 1829)

Fifth National Assembly at Nafplion (February 1832)

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