Aegean dispute

  • ↑ Το Βήμα της Κυριακής, 16 May 2004.
  • ↑ Kemal Başlar (2001): Two facets of the Aegean Sea dispute: 'de lege lata' and 'de lege ferenda'. In: K. Başlar (ed.), Turkey and international law. Ankara. [22]
  • ↑ Lucas Cadena (1998): Greek-Turkish tensions. Conflict between Turkey and Greece over Cyprus and other territorial issues threaten both the NATO alliance and regional peace. Princeton Journal of Foreign Affairs. [23]
  • ↑ Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg (1989): Der Ägäis-Konflikt: Die Abgrenzung des Festlandsockels zwischen Griechenland und der Türkei und das Problem der Inseln im Seevölkerrecht. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot.
  • ↑ Yüksel İnan, Sertaç Başeren (1997): Status of Kardak Rocks. Kardak Kayalıklarının statüsü. Ankara. (ISBN 975-96281-0-4).
  • ↑ Ali Kurumahmut, Sertaç Başeren (2004): The twilight zones in the Aegean: (Un)forgotten Turkish islands. Ege'de gri bölgeler: Unutul(may)an Türk adaları. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu. (ISBN 975-16-1740-5).
  • ↑ Ali Kurumahmut (1998): Ege'de temel sorun: Egemenliği tartışmalı adalar. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu. (ISBN 975-16-0954-2).
  • ↑ Dimitrios Lucas (2005): Greece's Shifting Position on Turkish Accession to the EU Before and After Helsinki 1999. MA thesis, Catholic University of Leuven. [24].
  • ↑ Ch. Maechling (1997): The Aegean sea: a crisis waiting to happen. US Naval Institute Proceeding 71-73.

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