
Polynices offers Eriphyle the necklace, 5th century BC red figure Pelike

Ormos, Mannos, (ὅρμος, μάννος). A necklace. In Homer, necklaces of gold and amber are mentioned (Odyss. xv. 460; xviii. 295), and in later times necklaces were in common use among both the Greeks and Romans, being worn by men as well as by women, though for men to wear them was regarded as effeminate. They were especially in vogue as bridal ornaments (Lucan, ii. 361). The simplest form was that of the bead necklace (monile bacatum), in which small globes of gold, silver, amber, crystal, and glass were strung together, often in rows. Very costly necklaces of exquisite workmanship were also made for the wealthy, with pendants and clasps, often adorned with pearls, rubies, and other precious stones. The ornamentation also included disks, rosettes, lozenges, lotusbuds, heads of animals, ivy-leaves, etc. The hooks or fastenings at the back of the neck were called clusurae. . The name monile is also applied to a collar or necklace placed about the neck of a horse or other favourite animal ( Verg. Aen.vii. 278).

See also Chain (Alysis)

Magazia Gialos, Necklace 950-800 BC

Necklace from Choirokoitia, 4500 - 4000 BC