The Persians

Ώ παίδες Ελλήνων, ίτε ελευθερούτε πατρίδ' ελευθερούτε δε παίδας, γυναίκας, θεών τε πατρώων έδη,θήκας τε προγόνων νυν υπέρ πάντων αγών Forward, sons of the Greeks, liberate the fatherland, liberate your children, your women, the temples of your ancestral gods, the graves of your forebears: this is the battle for everything".

Short Comments about the Persians

The Persians Modern Greek Translation

Plays by Aeschylus
The Persians | Seven Against Thebes | The Suppliants |

Oresteia (Agamemnon | The Libation Bearers | The Eumenides )| Prometheus Bound (spurious)

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