Marine Style

Minoan Can in Marine Style , Archaeological Museum of Herakleion Crete, Photo by Agon S. Buchholz

Marine Style is the style of Ceramics of the Cretan-Minoan Neopalatial Period (c. 1650 BC to 1450 BC).

A Characteristic of the Marine Style are motivs from the Sea World, painted with dark color on a bright background.
Perhaps inspired by frescoes, the entire surface of a pot was covered with sea creatures, octopus, fish and dolphins, against a background of rocks, seaweed and sponges. The Marine style was the last purely Minoan style; towards the end of LMIB, all the palaces except Knossos were violently destroyed and many of the villas and towns.

Creto-Minoan Ceramic styles

Agios Onouphrios Style | Barbotine Style | Floral Style | Kamares Style | Koumassa Style | Marine Style | Orientalizing Style | Palace Style | Pyrgos Style | Vassiliki Style | White Style