Greek and Roman Mythology

Michael Lahanas

Mythological Figures

O - P - Q

Pr - Pz

- Praxidike (The Jupiter moon ) -



- Priam ( Trojan Asteroid 884 Priamus )

Priapus - Procles - Procne

- Procris - The Death of Procris

Procrustes - Proetus - Promachus -

Prometheus Pyrphoros

Prometheus, creation of man

While saving him from mental darkness, Prometheus brought to man all the tortures which accompany self-consciousness: the knowledge of his responsibility to the whole of nature; the painful results of all wrong choices made in the past, since free-will and the power of choice go hand in hand with self-consciousness; all of the sorrows and sufferings -- physical, mental and moral -- to which thinking man is heir. Prometheus accepted these tortures as inevitable under the Law, knowing that the soul can develop only through its own experience, willing to pay the price for every experience gained”. THEOSOPHY, Vol. 27

Prometheus , Prometheus Bound (Aeschylus) (The Saturn moon Prometheus) ( Prometheus poem of Goethe)

The Creatures of Prometheus Op 42 (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Propodas son of Damophon

- Protesilaus -

Proteus Syndrom, Joseph Merrick, the "Elephant Man"

Proteus - Proteus Syndrom





Amor and Psyche, Edvard Munch 1907

Psyche (Soul) , Psyche Gallery



Pygmalion - Pygmalion effect

Pylades ()

Hercules and Pyrene (Pyrenees Mountains)


Pyramus (Roman Myth)

Pyriphlegethon - Pyrrha - Pythias - Python

A soldier and a burning Phoenix, symbol of the Military Regime in Greece. Ironically the Phoenix may represent Democracy with the hope of re-birth.

Pa - Ph , Pi - Po , Pr - Py

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M

N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z