Greek and Roman Mythology

Michael Lahanas

Mythological Figures

L - M - N

Part 1 Ma - Mer

Macar (Marcareus) ( / Μακαρεύς)- Macaria - Machaon ()- Macris -

Maenad -

Maera - Maia () - Mania (Madness)

- Manto - Mantius - Marea

Mares of Diomedes

Odysseus receives wine from Maron, Odyssey Book 9

Marpessa ( )

Mars (Roman version of Ares)

Marsyas ()

Maria Callas, Soprano Divina, as Medea

Medea () , Medea Gallery

Medusa Rondanini

Who meet its ghastly stare are turned to stone,
Like those who saw Medusa.
Mephistopheles in Goethe's Faust.

Medusa ()

Medôn - Megapenthes -

Megareus - Meilichios - Melampus - Melaeneus -Melanion - Melanippe -

Melanippus - Melanthus - Melas -

Meleager Pio Clementino Inv 490

Meleager ( )

Meleagrids - Melete - Melia - Meliae

- Meliboea - Melicertes - Melinoe - Melissa - Melisseus

Melpomene ()(Main belt asteroid ) -

Memnon ( )

Menelaus ()- Menestheus ( )-

Menippe and Metioche - Menoeceus - Menoetius ()

Athena transformed into Mentor and Telemachus, John Flaxman


Mercury (Roman version of Hermes)

Meriones' Wonderful Shot



Merope - Merops

Ma - Mer, Mes - My

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M

N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z