Greek and Roman Mythology

Michael Lahanas

N - O - P

Odysseus crater on the Saturn moon

Ocalea - Oceanids - Oceanus -

Ochimus - Ocnus ( )- Ocridion

Ocypete ( See Harpy) - Ocyrhoe- Odomas ()

Odysseus, warrior, inventor, and traveler. Sprang into fame at the siege of Troy, where he invented the horse which recaptured Helen. Escaped from Polyphemus, a one-eyed giant, by sticking a burning telegraph pole in his eye. Later performed his greatest feat by evading the Sirens. Stayed away from home so much his wife forgot what he looked like. His dog, however, recalled the scent and prevented O. from sleeping in the barn. Press Agent: Homer. Recreation: Travel, wars. Address: Ithaca. . Gordon, Irwin Leslie

Odysseus ()- Odyssey (), Odysseus Gallery - (Stamps of the Odyssey)

Odysseus unbound: the search for Homer's Ithaca, Robert Bittlestone, James Diggle, John Underhill

Some of the Crew of Odysseus (Achaemenides , Baius, Elpenor , Eurylochus , Macar , Misenus , Polites)

Adventures of Odysseus

Oeax ( , Οίαξ) ) - Oeagrus ()- Oebalus ()

Oedipus (), Oedipus King (Sophocles)

Oeneus ( )- Oeno - Oenoe -

Oenomaus from the Zeus Temple in Olympia, c. 460 BC

Oenomaus ()

Oenone () - Oenopion () - Oenotropae - Oenotrus ()

Mount Oeta from which Heracles is said to have ascended to Olympus

Ogygia - Ogygus

Oicles ()

Oileus ( ,Ὀῖλεύς )


Omphale ()

Oneiroi -

Opheltes ( ,Ὀφέλτης)


Orchamus - Oreads ( , Ορειάδες)


Orestes (), The Oresteia

Orion, , Stephen R. Wilk, Futher mythological evidence for ancient knowledge of variable stars

Pina Bausch - Glucks Orpheus and Eurydice

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