Atalanti, Fthiotis

in preparation)


Exarchos is a village 19 km from Atalanti. NW of the village in antiquity was Abai. The Temple of Apollo with its famous oracle was destroyed by the Persians but was rebuild in the Roman period. Some ruins of the Temple exist today.


Kalapodi (old Form Kalapodion) is a village 156 km NW of Athens


Kyparission (older Form Kyparission) is a village 9 km from Atalanti


Kyrtoni is a village 12 km from Atalanti. It was named after an ancient city in Opountia Lokris, that as assumed was East of the village and where some fortifications were discovered such as the ancient Tower of Kyrtoni. Kyrtoni in the past was known as Kolaka


Tragana is a village 12 km from Atalanti, 77 km S of Lamia and 135 km N of Athens. Tragana was forned by the population of Proskyna and Kyparissi in the year 1894 after earthquakes at 8 and 15 April 1894 in the region.

Municipality YPES code Seat Postal code
Atalanti 4904 Atalanti 352 00

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